Our Facilities


St Teresa’s is set in extensive grounds which feature beautiful gardens maintained by our students in the Garden Club, one of our school officers and the P and F Association. These grounds house the school buildings along with the parish church and the presbytery.

There are six classroom learning spaces; all of which have interactive white boards and are well resourced with literacy and numeracy learning and teaching materials. The learning support room; known as SEAL (Student Extension and Support) is attached to the   Prep and Year 1 classrooms.

There is a teachers’ resource room and a well-equipped library. In addition, there is the new administration block, staff room and the tuckshop. The previous administration block now houses the school counsellor’s office and the archive room.

We have a large sports shed which provides us with plenty of under covered play space and a separate under covered eating area. The adventure playground is a new addition to our play space and is well used by our students.


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