When your child is enrolled at school, we will seek information from you, which will enable us to act, as far as practicable, in accordance with your wishes should the necessity arise.
There is a responsibility on the part of parents to see that our school records are up to date as far as addresses and telephone numbers are concerned. In the case of accidents, except in an emergency, the school always attempts to contact a parent prior to obtaining medical assistance.
In some cases treatment may be urgently required. It is at such times that we need to know the name and phone number of your personal doctor.
Staff members who hold First Aid qualifications are able to deal with minor accidents which occur in the playground. In the cases of severe accidents or serious illness while at school, an ambulance will be immediately called and parents notified as soon as possible.
MEDICATION - Click here to download the Medication Form
No medication is to be given to a child without the written permission of a parent/caregiver. If a child comes to school without a note and asks to take medication, the parent/caregiver will be contacted by telephone and any verbal consent will be documented in writing stating the medication, dosage, person consenting, time and date.
All medication, along with the Medication Register, will be kept in a secure area. All medications need to be taken to the school office at the beginning of the day and will be dispensed by a registered First Aider. All medication needs to have the doctor's prescription label attached with dosage and time of administration written clearly on the label.
Classroom teachers may administer medication to students during camps and excursions, etc. Medication will need to be collected from the office along with the Excursion Medication Register and the Notification and request by Parent/Caregiver for the administration of Medication during School Hours.
The School Health Sister and the School Dentist visit the school. After providing permission for a referral, parents are then contacted by letter regarding any particular problem which has been diagnosed. These services have been most successful in diagnosing visual, auditory and dental problems. If the problems are diagnosed, suggestions are usually made about how parents can assist in remedying these.
In recent years the incidence of head lice in schools has been increasing. Children suffering from head lice are not normally excluded. On discovery of an infestation, parents are advised to treat the problem immediately and to check hair regularly to prevent reinfestation. Parents will be informed by letter or newsletter if any child in the class has head lice. It is important to note that head lice are not caused by unhygienic conditions, and can be caught by anyone regardless of the cleanliness of the hair. It is therefore important to be vigilant in checking your child's hair regularly, especially if they have an itchy scalp. Long hair should be tied up.
Children suffering from infectious illnesses must be excluded from school. Full immunisation for Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Whooping Cough is recommended. Present regulations provide for the following exclusion times:
CHICKEN POX Seven days after beginning of illness. All scabs must be dry.
HEPATITIS A Re-admitted on medical advice
WHOOPING COUGH At least twenty-eight days
COLDS / FLU It is recommended to keep the child at home resting for a couple of days to build up his / her strength and immunity.
Please also refer to the Recommended Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by Queensland Health.
Parents are informed that a Smoke Free policy has been adopted by the Catholic Education Services and this includes Saint Teresa's Primary School. Parents are asked to observe this policy and are requested not to smoke at the school during school hours.