St Teresa’s Vision Statement
Guided by the person of Jesus Christ and inspired by the vision of St Therese of Lisieux and Catherine McAuley, St Teresa’s’ School strives to be an inclusive faith community, where spiritual and academic growth are nurtured through the values of love, respect, justice and compassion and where lifelong learning and service to others is valued and promoted.
Mission Statement:
We strive to be a faith community through:
- Shared prayer and liturgy; celebrating the Sacraments and Liturgy of the Word.
- Nurturing every person’s faith journey in the Catholic and wider Christian tradition.
- Honouring and acknowledging the charism of the Sisters of Mercy and St Therese of Lisieux.
We strive to form positive partnerships through:
- Welcoming all who seek a Catholic Education.
- Community and parent engagement.
- Open communication.
We strive to offer a holistic education by:
- Child focused learning
- Collaboration between school, parent and child
- Creating a child safe and supportive environment
- Delivering a high-quality curriculum that responds to the needs of diverse learners.
- Celebrating academic, creative and social successes.
We strive to be a community in which outreach and service are valued through:
- Encouraging students to participate through action and reflection in organisations associated with Social Justice.
- Engaging actively in Catholic Justice Teaching.
We strive to be a community characterised by a culture of reflection and renewal by:
- Forgiveness and unconditional love
- Restorative practices
- Encouraging all members to self-reflect and set goals.