Daily Routine,
8.40am - 10.55am 10.55am - 11.35am 11.35am - 1.35pm 1.35pm - 1.50pm 1.50pm - 3.00pm |
In class Play and Lunch In class Lunch or Play or both In class |
Regular attendance is compulsory by law once a child turns six years of age and is necessary if students are to gain the greatest possible benefit from school activities. While a phone message is desirable to notify an absence, a note of explanation is required when the child returns to school after being absent if a phone call hasn't been made.
As our rolls are now marked electronically and the data submitted to CES, it is imperative that students are at school on time. If students arrive at school after 9.15am without an explanation; they will be recorded as absent for the morning session.
If your child is to be away for a number of days and you require work to be done at home, please give the class teacher at least 1 day's notice.
Supervision of children at school is between 8.25am and 3.15pm. It is very important for students to be in time for the 8.40am bell so that lessons can start on time.
A School Crossing Supervisor is on duty from 8.20am to 8.50am and 2:50pm to 3:20pm. Students and parents crossing Moffatt Street are required to use the supervised crossing.
Where family or work commitments or bus arrangements necessitate arrival of students prior to 8.25am, students are to go immediately to the covered area. Minimal supervision only is available before 8.25am and a note or discussion with the Principal is required. Formal supervision commences at 8.25am.
At rare times students are requested to come early for particular activities (eg camps). They will be under supervision for these activities.
Children should be picked up from the Moffatt Street or Rankine Street gates. The Moore Street access area to the school is busy and congested with buses each afternoon and should be kept clear. Students are to wait in the covered area to be collected.
A School Crossing Supervisor is on duty for children crossing at the Moffatt Street entrance.
Staff supervise children catching all buses at the Moore Street access. Children attending special functions after school, eg. Tennis, Junior Rugby League training etc are to wait and cross with supervising staff.
Students needing to cross Moore Street will be taken across by staff after all buses have picked up students.
For students who walk home it is important to emphasise the need for personal safety in the street.
Since many children travel by bus, they need constant reminders of good conduct and safety at all times. A copy of the 'Code of Conduct' expected on the bus is available at the school office if you wish to view it. Any complaints of behaviour or incidents that occur on the bus need to be directly relayed to the bus driver concerned.
Staff members have a Duty of Care to all students particularly between 8.25am and 3.15pm each school day. If you would like to help in the classroom with activities such as reading or art, please feel free to approach your child's teacher for a regular timeslot, as extra help is always appreciated.
All visitors including parents or caregivers must abide by this school policy.
All visitors during class time including parents are to report to the School Office before going to the student's classroom. This is for the protection and safety of your children during the school day.
No visitors, other than parents or caregivers, will be allowed individual contact with students without the approval of the Principal and the permission of the parent / caregiver, except as required by legislation.
We are required by law to follow any Family Court or Protection Orders given to us by parents or caregivers. Unless we have a copy of the above Orders we will be unable to prevent a parent having access to their child.
All contact with students will take place in full view of duty teachers eg. outside classrooms, in the covered lunch area so that we can ensure the safety of the children.
Students who need to leave the school grounds during school hours will need to bring a written note with explicit instructions as to time, reason, etc, from parents / caregivers. These notes will be kept by the classroom teacher for confirmation. Students must be signed out at the school office by parents before leaving the grounds.
Policies | Student Protection | Conduct, Complaints & Grievances | |
St Teresa's Primary School |
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