School Uniform

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As school uniform is important in creating school spirit and identifies the school in the wider community, it is expected that the correct uniform be worn every day. One of the values that the school is trying to reinforce in students is the importance of being neat and tidy in their dress and appearance always. With the expectation that all children are wearing the same uniform, it also avoids competition in relation to clothing, easing the burden on families that are having financial difficulties.

It is expected that all parents will support the school's requirements that full and correct uniform be worn at all times. If a student does not have the correct uniform to wear on a particular day then it is expected that a note will be sent to school to explain why the pupil is not in the correct uniform. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name.


BOYS' UNIFORM Royal blue polo shirt, with St. Teresa's logo on front
Black school styled shorts – no basketball shorts
Dark plain sandals, black school shoes or plain black joggers;
Navy socks – above ankles
Navy hat available at the school $10.00
In winter, dark blue or black tracksuit pants, and jumper or
jacket to be worn over the school shirt
GIRLS' UNIFORM Royal blue polo shirt, with St. Teresa's logo on front
Black skirt/skort/shorts with shirt
Navy socks - above ankles
Dark toned sandals, black school shoes or plain black joggers
Navy hat available at the school $10.00
In winter, dark blue or black tracksuit pants, and jumper or jacket to be worn over the school shirt
BOYS Black shorts, royal blue polo shirt with school logo
Navy or black socks and plain black joggers
Hats are compulsory
GIRLS Black skirts, skorts or shorts, royal blue polo with school logo
Navy or black socks and plain black joggers
Hats are compulsory
OTHER Earings: sleepers and studs only.
Chains with Religious medals or crosses are permitted.
Hair is to be clean and neatly cut, with fringes above eyebrow level.
Girls and boys with hair past the collar must have their hair tied back.
`Extreme` hairstyles are to be avoided.
Hair ribbons are to be plain black or dark blue.



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