Custody Issues
Where the school is provided with documentation regarding particular court orders that are in place, the school will make every effort to ensure that such orders are adhered to in accordance with the conditions outlines. Parents are advised that the school will under no circumstances take sides in such matters and can only act on the directions given by a court of law. It is up to parents concerned to resolve the legal aspects in such cases and to provide the school with written proof of any alterations to decisions as handed down by the courts.
Lost Property
It is inevitable that, from time to time, children's belongings will be mislaid or lost. All found items are placed in the Lost Property Basket which is found in the Library. Please assist in the returning of found articles by having all belongings clearly named.
Use of Mobile Phones
Whereas we do not encourage students to bring their mobile to school, we do acknowledge that it may be necessary; given any after school commitments. Students must hand their phone into the office at the commencement of the school day.
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Use of School Facilities
Apart from the actual buildings and grounds, the school has an adequate range of audio / visual aids, library books, sporting equipment, etc.
It is the wish of Saint Teresa's to share these facilities with parents and other responsible members of the community, provided certain conditions are agreed to:
1. That the use of a facility does not interfere with normal use by the school.
2. That permission to use a facility be obtained prior to it being required.
3. That the individual / group using the facility agrees to meet the cost of repairs to a facility in the event of minor damage, or the cost of replacement of said facility in the event of it being irrepairably damaged.